Sergio Calderón
   STEREO, 2008

   Sound/Video, Digital Installation

2008, 2015, 2017

Sometime around 2007 or 2008, I made a continuous installation of sound and music for the browser in Flash. I called it STEREO. Ironically I recorded the soundtrack in mono. I liked the idea of having STEREO forever existing, forever happening, forever playing on the internet. But ultimately, everything made with tech is ephemeral. When Flash was phased out, it was also the end of STEREO, as many other things I did with Flash.

In 2015, Intelligentsia Gallery 智先画廊 invited me to participate in the exhibition “Not a State, But an Artists' Colony”. I came up with the idea of having STEREO existing, happening, playing, once again, if not forever at least for over a month, in their gallery, in Beijing.

For the new version of STEREO, I created a video sculpture composed of two videos, played on two separate TV screens. I recorded the soundtrack with my band, MU, once again in monaural but this time played in two separate speakers.

A stereo mix of STEREO soundtrack was released as a limited edition of 25 handmade CDs in 2016 via ENTERTAINING VIOLENCE.

This 45 minutes plus version of STEREO was also used as an opener for two of the live performances of MU, in fRUITYSPACE, Beijing, China, Apr 15, 2016 and in Kanazawa Art Gummi, Japan, Sep 24, 2017.

London, 5 July 2023

   Sergio Calderón
   STEREO, Kanazawa, 2017

   Sound/Video Installation

   Sergio Calderón
   STEREO, Beijing, 2015

   Sound/Video Installation

   STEREO, 2016


   Sergio Calderón
   STEREO, 2015

   Sound/Video Installation

© MMXXIV, SERGIO CALDERÓN, All Rights Reserved