Rivington Place, London 2008

"In the plausible intimacy of approaching evening, as I stand waiting for the stars to begin at the window of this fourth floor room that looks out on the infinite, my dreams move to the rhythm required by long journeys to countries as yet unknown, or to countries that are simply hypothetical or impossible."

Fernando Pessoa

   Dover St., London, Autumn 2013

Last Space Remaining / A.

In 2013 I worked on a new set of works, I called them 'Last Space Remaining / A.', I exhibited them in a gallery in Dover Street, London. I wrote the following: 'Last Space Remaining is the combination of a professional journal with a personal collection of items and endless moments — both in short, informal jottings and through more formal, extended meditations. They engage a non-linear eternal memory bank, as if we speak of details of an hypothetical biography. Last Space Remaining is a poetic journey to find a perfect space, and the resulting recollection through that search. Wonderings, situations, ideas, moments and places, along with improbable references and impossible quotations'.

Between 2008 and 2013 I devoted myself to search, to explore, to learn. I wasn't trying to develop any body of work. I was trying to develop myself. To create myself. Also, the process of search is always more interesting than the thing searched.

But I did create artworks, videos, sounds and writings. I saw them as notes, materials for learning, for creating, for later. I was Odysseus returning home. But where is home? I called it Last Space Remaining.

'Last Space Remaining / A.' was a physical space. Allowed to be walked. As an imaginary space for learning, for discovery. I created a few sculptural works. Primal elements. I was playing with space, perception and sound. I wanted to experience this walk through this new landscape as a search, in the same way I hear the branches and leaves in the forest as I pass through. Allowing the images to enter.

This search is something that can't be completed, like education. A is the first letter they teach you to draw in school. A beginning.

London, Autumn 2020

   Sergio Calderón
   Dover St., London, 24 September 2013

   Sergio Calderón
   The World Is A Set Of Distinct
   Things With Varied Edges, 2013

   Perspex, Led, Electronics, Software

The World Is A Set Of Distinct Things With Varied Edges is an installation of five reactive sculptures of light and sound. Each sculpture is controlled by its own customised software. Each one has its own light behaviour. They have integrated speaker. Different sets of sound pieces were composed for each of then. The sculptures work by themselves and also as a group, interacting together in infinite variations. By walking through the sculptures you can interact with the music and create new patterns. Activating the sounds, enhancing the volume, changing the light colour. Depending on the location.

   Sergio Calderón
   (Tetrahedron), The World Is A Set Of
   Distinct Things With Varied Edges, 2013

   Corten Steel, Perspex, Led, Electronics,

   Sergio Calderón
   The World Is A Set Of Distinct
   Things With Varied Edges, 2013

   3D Drawings

   Sergio Calderón
   The World Is A Set Of Distinct
   Things With Varied Edges, 2013

   Perspex, Led, Electronics, Software

   Sergio Calderón
   The World Is A Set Of Distinct
   Things With Varied Edges, 2013

   Software Interface

   Sergio Calderón
   The World Is A Set Of Distinct
   Things With Varied Edges, 2013

   Perspex, Led, Electronics, Software

   Sergio Calderón
   (Tetrahedron), 2013

   Corten Steel

   Sergio Calderón
   The Long Way Around, 2013

   115 x 115 cm. Digital C-print


Foreign Land
The New Everyday
Invisible Network
Environmental, Social, Personal
Specific context of use
The acceptance gap
Une chose (whatever that means)
Building non-meeting-places
‘Underprivileged’ (love that word)
Infinite subject Hospitable/Hostile environment
Way of life
No more keys

Notes, 2008-2013


Found objects
Landscapes and objects arranged in an transitory way
To create a story
‘Telling a story without telling’
Like a film without being a film
Like a novel without being a novel
Ambient (Two)
A frozen dream
What if memory did not exist?
Some reality
A traveling tool
It takes two to commit a murder
Mind Walks
The quality of the silence

Notes, 2008-2013

   Sergio Calderón
   Last Space Remaining / A., 2013

   Book, Catalogue

© MMXXIV, SERGIO CALDERÓN, All Rights Reserved